Schools Programme

Henley High School Education Program

Since 2007, Henley High School has used the facilities and coaches at Lockleys as an integral part of the SA Certificate of Education (SACE), Physical Education program. Under the guidance of club member Geoff Ellis, many Year 11/12 talented budding sports stars have participated in this program that requires 20 hours of on-green coaching. They are assessed and moderated in their learning and expertise as part of their SACE assessment. Whilst they may not have a desire to develop their bowling skills further at this stage, the program gives them a good introduction to the sport to encourage them to take up the sport later in their sporting lives.

The three coaches working in this program (Geoff Ellis, Don Webb, Brian Teakle) are all fully qualified coaches, very experienced bowlers and extremely proficient in dealing with young people.

In 2015, the club involvement with Henley High developed further with Lockleys taking on support of the school’s Year 10/11 Physical Education program with an annual three-week bowls coaching course. This Year’s 10/11 course is seen as a prelude to the SACE course.

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